Lancashire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
12:05 AM 1st January 2025

2025 Resolutions: Are Yours Among Next Year's Most Trending?

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Online searches for “new year’s resolutions” in the past month have surged by an impressive 791%. As people around the globe prepare for the New Year, there’s excitement in the air, accompanied by lists of New Year’s resolutions. But what goals exactly are people setting themselves for the upcoming year?

Curious to find the answer, HAYPP created an index study analysing the latest search data and TikTok hashtags to reveal the most trending resolutions for 2025.

The most trending New Year’s resolutions for 2025
RankNew Year's ResolutionAverage Global Monthly Search VolumesNumber of TikTok HashtagsTrending Score (/10)
1 Eat more healthy 92,090 1,304,800 9.2
2 Save more money 9,000 1,172,700 8.3
3 Read more 48,700 136,404 8.1
4 Work out more 310 2,501,347 7.6
5 Quit smoking 47,600 96,790 7.1
6 Learn a new skill or hobby 2,070 120,257 7.0
7 Travel more 1,240 960,859 6.7
8 Spend more time with family and friends 1,850 31,042 5.9
9 Become more organised 1,830 23,808 5.0
10 Drink less 1,500 1,430 4.0

Topping the list as the most trending resolution for the New Year is eating more healthy, with a nearly perfect trending score of 9.2/10. This New Year’s resolution generated the highest number of average global monthly searches (92,090) out of all resolutions in the study. Not only that but it also received a whopping 1,304,800 hashtags on TikTok - third highest number out of all resolutions.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
The second most popular goal on people’s New Year’s resolutions lists, which achieved a trending score of 8.3/10, is saving more money. It generated the second highest number of TikTok hashtags (1,172,700) in the study, coming only after working out more. Its average global monthly searches stood at 9,000, further attesting to the resolution’s popularity.

Following closely behind, with a trending score of 8.1/10, is reading more. Average global monthly searches for the New Year’s resolution amounted to 48,700 - second highest out of all researched resolutions, coming right after eating more healthy. TikTok hashtag numbers are also in the thousands (136,404), revealing people’s interest in improving their reading habits in the New Year.

Fourth in the study comes the resolution to work out more, receiving a trending score of 7.6/10. While this New Year’s resolution generated only 310 average global monthly searches, it amassed an impressive 2,501,347 hashtags on TikTok - the highest out of all other resolutions in the study. A true testament to the social media fitness trend!

And rounding off the top five most trending New Year’s resolutions is quitting smoking, with a trending score of 7.1/10. With 47,600 average global monthly searches generated, this resolution is the third most searched one, coming after eating more healthy and reading more. But it’s equally as popular on social media, having accumulated 96,790 hashtags on TikTok.

Information supplied by HAYPP