4:00 PM 31st December 2024
Look Up It’s Live! Before Lighting Up The Skies This New Year’s Eve
![Image by olga-friend0 from Pixabay]()
Image by olga-friend0 from Pixabay
New Year’s Eve merrymakers are being encouraged to end the year on a high and practise firework safety before lighting up the sky.
Customers and members of the public across the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire are encouraged to ‘Look Up It’s Live!’ and avoid setting off fireworks near overhead power lines, cables, poles and substations to avoid injury or death.
Northern Powergrid, who powers the lives of 8 million customers, is advising of the risks associated with live electricity and if setting off fireworks to welcome in 2025 – remember electricity is dangerous and can jump gaps.
People are encouraged to ‘Look Up It’s Live! and plan a daylight recce to see where it’s safe to set off fireworks; considering overhead power lines and wires are hard to see in the dark.
Gareth Pearson, Northern Powergrid’s Director of Health, Safety and Training said:
"We want people to have fun and celebrate New Year’s Eve, however, we urge everyone to be cautious and take a few moments to think about safety before planning fireworks – making sure you’re well away from our power network or assets.
"Organised fireworks displays are safer than hosting your own fireworks party. However, if you are planning to use fireworks at your home or at a community gathering on December 31, it’s key to Look Up It’s Live! and check your surroundings to keep safe.
“Interfering with the electricity network can be dangerous and by taking these extra, simple precautions, people can have a fantastic festive season and a safe start to 2025.”
The network operator advises people to be fully aware of the potential dangers around and above them which could spoil their festive or New Year celebrations or result in serious or fatal injuries if they light fireworks anywhere near electricity lines, cables, poles or substations.
To report an electricity network safety issue (both emergency and non-emergency incidents) contact Northern Powergrid on 105. The national three-digit number, which is free to call, automatically directs people to their local electricity distributor. Information about power cuts or how to get extra support is also available at
www.northernpowergrid.com or 24/7 via Facebook and X @NorthPowergrid.
To find out additional health and safety tips and information click
Northern Powergrid offers a free Priority Services Membership to customers who may need additional advice or support during a power cut due to their medical or personal circumstances. Visit
www.northernpowergrid.com/care to join online, email
priorityservices@northernpowergrid.com or call 0800 169 2996 (available 24/7 – 365 days a year).