Lancashire Times
Weekend Edition
1:00 AM 28th December 2024

Quit Smoking In 2025 For Better Health, More Money And Less Stress

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay
Smokers are being encouraged to put smoking behind them this New Year for their family, better health, more money and less stress.

Smoking claims around 80,000 lives a year in the UK (or around 64,000 lives a year in England), causes one in four of all cancer deaths in England and kills up to two-thirds of its long-term users.

Health campaigners are urging people who smoke to join thousands of others making a quit attempt this New Year.

There are lots of reasons to make a quit attempt and start 2025 smokefree:

For family: children worry about parents smoking and quitting smoking makes it less likely your children will smoke
For your health: when you stop smoking, there are almost immediate improvements to your health and you are at less risk diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke and COPD
More money: quitting smoking will give you money you didn’t know you had – the average smoker could save around £2,500 per year by quitting smoking.
Less stress: quitting smoking is proven to leave people feeling calmer and happier after a few weeks. Using stop smoking aids, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or a vape can help ease any cravings.

Research shows that getting free expert support from your local stop smoking service means smokers are three times more likely to quit than with willpower alone.

Scott Crosby, Chair of Breathe, the region’s tobacco control programme, said:
“It is never too late to quit smoking and you will start to see the benefits straight away. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health and quality of life, but you don’t have to do it on your own. It is much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose including local stop smoking services, GPs, and pharmacies.

“We know that quitting smoking is tough, so if you don’t succeed straight away, it doesn’t mean you never will. Every quit attempt is one step closer to quitting for good and remember, the longer you are smokefree, the less you are at risk of developing a smoking related illness such as cancer or COPD.”

For support to quit, visit